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OSIRIS 发布 31/08/2022(CSGO)搬运于外网

发表于 2022-9-8 18:11:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 搬运工 于 2022-9-8 18:23 编辑

-How to use (for Dummies)-
0. Before we start, I recommend you disable your Antivirus and/or put the package on a Whitelist.
1. Start Steam
2. Start "VAC Bypass-Loader" located on the "VAC Bypass" folder in the Download.
3. Steam will now restart (You may need to log back in). If you did everything correctly a small window will pop up saying that the Loader worked.
4. Start CSGO.
5. Once fully started, open "CSGOInjector" located in the Download.
6. Select "Osiris.dll" in the window that just appeared.
7. If you did everything correctly, a small Window should appear saying that the Inject worked.
8. To back to CSGO there should now be a black bar at the top of the screen with the options of the cheat. (Menu Opens and Closes with the "Insert" key, name of the key may have a different name depending on that keyboard layout you have.)
-How to use Configs-
1. After injecting the cheat once, there should now be a new folder called "Osiris" in your Documents. If not make one.
2. In there will appear any Configs you Create, in this folder you also put Configs you downloaded

Aimbot - aim assistance

Triggerbot - automatically fires when crosshair is on enemy

Backtrack - abuse lag compensation to move players back in time

Glow - render glow effect on entities

Chams - color player models to improve visibility

Stream Proof ESP - show information about players, dropped weapons and projectiles

Visuals - miscellaneous visual options

Inventory Changer - add weapon skins, stickers, knives, gloves, medals and more to your in-game inventory

Sound - modify volume of certain sound effects

Style - select menu window layout and colors

Misc - miscellaneous features

Config - JSON-based configuration system


Aimbot - aim assistance

Enabled - on / off master switch

On key [ key ] - aimbot works only when chosen key is being held

Aimlock - brings your aim to the target (affected by Smooth).

Silent - aimbot is not visible on your screen (client-sided only)

Friendly fire - treat allies as enemies

Visible only - aim only on visible players

Scoped only - aimbot works only when using scope (applies only to sniper rifles)

Ignore flash - ignore flashbang i.e. aim when local player is flashed

Ignore smoke - ignore smoke i.e. aim when target is in smoke

Auto shot - shoot automatically when target found

Auto scope - automatically scopes sniper rifle before shooting

Bone - bone which aimbot aims at

Fov - field-of-view which aimbot operates [0-255]

Smooth - smooth aimbot movement in order to seem more human-like

Max aim inaccuracy - maximum weapon inaccuracy allowing aimbot to run, lowering this value will e.g. disable aimbot while jumping or running

Triggerbot - automatically fires when crosshair is on enemy

Enabled - on / off master switch

On key [ key ] - triggerbot works only when chosen key is being held

Friendly fire - treat allies as enemies

Scoped only - triggerbot works only when using scope (applies only to sniper rifles)

Ignore flash - ignore flashbang i.e. shoot when local player is flashed

Ignore smoke - ignore smoke i.e. shoot when target is in smoke

Hitgroup - body parts on which triggerbot works

Shot delay - delay time in ms (milliseconds)

Min damage - minimal damage to fire.

Backtrack - abuse lag compensation in order to move players back in time

Enabled - on / off master switch

Ignore smoke - ignore smoke i.e. backtrack when target is in smoke

Time limit - limit the backtracking window [1-200ms]

Glow - render glow effect on entities

Allies, Enemies, Planting (player planting bomb), Defusing (player defusing bomb), Local player, Weapons (dropped weapons), C4, Planted C4, Chickens, Defuse kits, Projectiles, Hostages, Ragdolls / All, Visible, Occluded

Enabled - on / off master switch

Health based - color is based on player's hp

Color - glow color in rgba format

Style - glow style { Default, Rim3d, Edge, Edge Pulse }

Chams - color player models to improve visibility

Allies, Enemies, Planting (player planting bomb), Defusing (player defusing bomb), Local player, Weapons (dropped weapons), Hands (view model hands), Backtrack (requires backtrack to be enabled), Sleeves (view model) / All, Visible, Occluded

Enabled - on / off master switch

Health based - color is based on player's hp

Blinking - change transparency frequently

Material - material applied to model { Normal, Flat, Animated, Platinum, Glass, Chrome, Crystal, Silver, Gold, Plastic, Glow }

Wireframe - render triangle mesh instead of solid material

Cover - draw chams material on top of the original material instead of overriding it

Ignore-Z - draw material through walls

ESP - show additional information about players and game world

Allies, Enemies

All, Visible, Occluded



Flashbang, HE Grenade, Breach Charge, Bump Mine, Decoy Grenade, Molotov, TA Grenade, Smoke Grenade, Snowball

Danger Zone

Sentries, Drones, Cash, Cash Dufflebag, Pistol Case, Light Case, Heavy Case, Explosive Case, Tools Case, Full Armor, Armor, Helmet, Parachute, Briefcase, Tablet Upgrade, ExoJump, Ammobox, Radar Jammer

Enabled - on / off master switch

Font - esp text font

Snaplines - draw snapline to player

Eye traces - draw player eye traces (shows where player looks)

Box - draw 2D box over player model

Name - draw player name

Health - draw player health

Health bar - draw rectangle indicating player health

Armor - draw player armor

Armor bar - draw rectangle indicating player armor

Money - draw player money

Head dot - draw dot on player's head

Active Weapon - draw player equipped weapon

Visuals - miscellaneous visual options

Disable post-processing - disable post-processing effects in order to increase FPS

Inverse ragdoll gravity - inverse gravitational acceleration on falling player ragdoll corpse (during death sequence)

No fog - remove fog from map for better visibility

No 3d sky - remove 3d skybox from map - increases FPS

No visual recoil - remove visual recoil punch effect

No hands - remove arms / hands model from first-person view

No sleeves - remove sleeves model from first-person view

No weapons - remove weapons model from first-person view

No smoke - remove smoke grenade effect

No blur - remove blur

No scope overlay - remove black overlay while scoping

No grass - remove grass from map in Danger Zone mode (dz_blacksite and dz_sirocco maps)

No shadows - disable dynamic shadows

Wireframe smoke - render smoke skeleton instead of particle effect

Zoom [ key ] - enable zoom on unzoomable weapons

Thirdperson - thirdperson view

Thirdperson distance - camera distance in thirdperson view

View model FOV - change view model FOV [-60-0-60] (0 - actual view model, negative values - decreased view model, positive values - increased view model)

FOV - change view FOV [-60-0-60] (0 - actual view fov, negative values - decreased, positive values - increased)

Far Z - far clipping range, useful after disabling fog on large maps (e.g dz_sirocco) to render distant buildings

Flash reduction - reduces flashbang grenade effect [0-100%] (0 - full flash, 100 - no flash)

Brightness - control game brightness [0.0-1.0]

Skybox - change sky(box)

World color - set world material ambient light color

Deagle spinner - play "spinning" inspect animation when holding Deagle

Screen effect - screenspace effect - Drone cam, Drone cam with noise, Underwater, Healthboost, Dangerzone

Hit effect - show screen effect on enemy hit

Hit marker - show a cross detail on enemy hit

Inventory Changer - add weapon skins, stickers, knives, gloves, medals and more to your in-game inventory

Sound - modify volume of certain sound effects

Chicken volume - volume of chicken sounds

Local player, Allies, Enemies

Master volume - overall volume of sounds emitted by player

Headshot volume - volume of headshot sound (when player gets headshoted)

Weapon volume - volume of player weapon shots

Footstep volume - volume of player footsteps

Misc - miscellaneous features

Menu key [ key ] - menu toggle key

Menu style - menu style toggle (Classic / One window)

Menu colors - menu color theme (Dark / Light / Classic)

Anti AFK kick - avoid auto-kick by server for inactivity

Auto strafe - automatically strafe in air following mouse movement

Bunny hop - automatically simulate space bar press / release while jump button is being held; increases movement speed

Clan tag - set custom clan tag

Animated clan tag - animate clan tag

Fast duck - remove crouch delay

Sniper crosshair - draw crosshair while holding sniper rifle

Recoil crosshair - crosshair follows recoil pattern

Auto pistol - fire pistols like automatic rifles

Auto reload - automatically reload if weapon has empty clip

Auto accept - automatically accept competitive match

Radar hack - show enemies positions on radar

Reveal ranks - show player ranks in scoreboard in competitive modes

Reveal money - show enemies' money in scoreboard

Spectator list - show nicknames of players spectating you

Watermark - show cheat name in the upper-left screen corner and fps & ping in the upper-right corner

Offscreen Enemies - draw circles on the screen indicating that there are enemies behind us

Fix animation LOD - fix aimbot inaccuracy for players behind local player

Fix bone matrix - correct client bone matrix to be closer to server one

Disable model occlusion - draw player models even if they are behind thick walls

Kill message - print message to chat after killing an enemy

Name stealer - mimic other players names

Custom clantag - set a custom clantag

Fast plant - plants bomb on bombsite border, when holding LMB or E key

Fast Stop - stops the player faster than normal

Quick reload - perform quick weapon switch during reload for faster reload

Prepare revolver [ key ] - keep revolver cocked, optionally on key

Fix tablet signal - allow use tablet on underground (dangerzone)

Hit Sound - sound emitted when hurting enemy

Chocked packets - length of sequence of chocked ticks

Max angle delta - maximum viewangles change per tick

Aspect Ratio - allows you to change the aspect ratio

Purchase List - show the purchased equipment by enemies.

Reportbot - automatically report players on server for cheating or other abusive actions

Enabled - on / off master switch

Target - report target Enemies/Allies/All

Delay - delay between reports, in seconds

Aimbot - report for aim assistance

Wallhack - report for visual assistance

Other - report for other assistance

Griefing - report for griefing

Abusive Communications - report for abusive communications

Unhook - unload cheat

Config - JSON-based configuration system

Create config - create new configuration file

Reset config - restore default configuration settings (does not touch saved configuration)

Load selected - load selected configuration file

Save selected - save selected configuration file

Delete selected - delete selected configuration file

Reload configs - reload configs list
0. 在我们开始之前,我建议您禁用您的防病毒软件和/或将软件包放在白名单中。
1. 启动 Steam
2. 启动位于下载中“VAC Bypass”文件夹中的“VAC Bypass-Loader”。
3. Steam 将重新启动(您可能需要重新登录)。如果你做的一切都正确,会弹出一个小窗口,说明加载器工作正常。
5. 完全启动后,打开下载中的“CSGOInjector”。
6. 在刚刚出现的窗口中选择“Osiris.dll”。
7. 如果你做的一切都正确,应该会出现一个小窗口,说明注入工作。
2. 那里会出现你创建的任何配置,在这个文件夹中你还放了你下载的配置

Aimbot - 瞄准辅助

Triggerbot - 当十字准线在敌人上时自动触发

Backtrack - 滥用延迟补偿以及时移动玩家

Glow - 在实体上渲染发光效果

Chams - 为玩家模型着色以提高可见性

Stream Proof ESP - 显示有关玩家的信息,丢弃的武器和射弹

视觉效果 - 其他视觉选项

库存更换器 - 将武器皮肤、贴纸、刀具、手套、奖章等添加到您的游戏库存中

声音 - 修改某些音效的音量

样式 - 选择菜单窗口布局和颜色

杂项 - 其他功能

配置- 基于 JSON 的配置系统


Aimbot - 瞄准辅助

已启用 - 开/关主开关

On key [ key ] - 只有在按住所选键时,Aimbot 才能工作

Aimlock - 将您的目标对准目标(受 Smooth 影响)。

静音 - 瞄准机器人在您的屏幕上不可见(仅限客户端)

友军开火 - 将盟友视为敌人

仅可见 - 仅瞄准可见玩家 仅瞄准 - 瞄准


忽略闪光 - 忽略flashbang 即在本地玩家闪烁时瞄准

Ignore Smoke - 忽略烟雾即在目标处于烟雾中时瞄准

Auto shot - 当找到目标时自动射击

Auto scope - 在射击前自动瞄准狙击步枪

Bone - 瞄准机器人瞄准的骨头

Fov - 瞄准机器人操作的视野 [0-255]

平滑 - 平滑瞄准机器人运动,以看起来更像人类

最大瞄准误差 - 允许瞄准机器人运行的最大武器误差,降低此值将例如在跳跃时禁用瞄准机器人或运行

Triggerbot - 当十字准线在敌人身上时自动触发

启用 - 开/关主开关

On key [ key ] - triggerbot 仅在按住所选键时工作

友好射击 - 将盟友视为敌人

Scoped - triggerbot 仅在使用范围时工作(适用仅适用于狙击步枪)

忽略闪光 - 忽略闪光弹,即在本地玩家闪光时射击

忽略烟雾 - 忽略烟雾,即在目标处于烟雾中时射击

Hitgroup - triggerbot 工作的身体部位

射击延迟 - 延迟时间,以毫秒(毫秒)为单位

最小伤害 - 对火灾造成的最小伤害。

回溯 - 滥用延迟补偿以及时将玩家移回

启用 - 开/关主开关

忽略烟雾 - 忽略烟雾,即当目标处于烟雾中

时回溯 时间限制 - 限制回溯窗口 [1-200 毫秒]

发光 - 渲染发光效果实体

盟友,敌人,种植(玩家种植炸弹),拆除(玩家拆除炸弹),本地玩家,武器(投下的武器),C4,种植的 C4,鸡,拆除套件,射弹,人质,布娃娃/全部,可见,遮挡

启用- 开/关主开关

基于健康 - 颜色基于玩家的生命值

颜色 - rgba 格式的发光颜色

样式 - 发光样式 { Default, Rim3d, Edge, Edge Pulse }

Chams - 彩色玩家模型以提高可见性


启用 - 开/关主开关

基于健康 - 颜色基于玩家的 hp

闪烁- 经常改变透明度

材质 - 应用于模型的材质 { 普通、平面、动画、铂金、玻璃、铬、水晶、银、金、塑料、发光}

线框 - 渲染三角形网格而不是实体材质

封面 - 在原始材料之上绘制 chams 材料,而不是覆盖它

Ignore-Z - 通过墙壁绘制材料

ESP - 显示有关玩家和游戏世界的其他信息





Flashbang、HE 手榴弹、Breach Charge , 撞击地雷, 诱饵手榴弹, 莫洛托夫, TA 手榴弹, 烟雾手榴弹, 雪球


哨兵, 无人机, 现金, 现金行李袋, 手枪箱, 轻型箱, 重型箱, 爆炸箱, 工具箱, 全盔甲, 盔甲, 头盔, 降落伞, 公文包, 平板电脑升级, ExoJump, Ammobox, Radar Jammer 已

启用 - 开/关主开关

字体 - esp 文本字体

Snaplines - 将对齐线绘制到播放器

Eye traces - 绘制玩家的眼睛轨迹(显示玩家看的地方)

Box - 在玩家模型上绘制 2D 框

Name - 绘制玩家姓名

Health - 绘制玩家健康

Health bar - 绘制矩形指示玩家健康

Armor - 绘制玩家盔甲

Armor bar - 绘制矩形指示玩家盔甲

Money - 绘制玩家金钱

Head dot - 在玩家头上绘制点

Active Weapon - 绘制玩家装备的武器

视觉效果 - 其他视觉选项

禁用后处理 - 禁用后处理效果以增加 FPS

反向布娃娃重力 - 开启反向重力加速度掉落的玩家布娃娃尸体(在死亡序列中)

无雾 - 从地图中移除雾以获得更好的能见度

无 3d 天空 - 从地图中移除 3d 天空盒 - 增加 FPS

无视觉后坐力 - 移除视觉后坐力冲击效果

无手 - 从第一人称视角移除手臂/手模型

无袖子 - 移除袖子模型从第一人称视角

无武器 - 从第一人称视角移除武器模型

无烟雾 - 移除烟雾手榴弹效果

无模糊 - 移除模糊

无范围覆盖 - 在范围内移除黑色覆盖

无草 - 在危险区域模式下从地图中移除草 (dz_blacksite和 dz_sirocco 地图)

无阴影 - 禁用动态阴影

线框烟雾 - 渲染烟雾骨架而不是粒子效果

缩放 [键] - 启用缩放不可缩放的武器

第三人称 - 第三人称视图

第三人称距离 - 第三人称视图中的相机距离

视图模型 FOV - 更改视图模型 FOV [-60-0-60] (0 - 实际视图模型,负值 - 减小视图模型,正值 - 增加视图模型)

FOV - 改变视图 FOV [-60-0-60] (0 - 实际视图 fov, 负值 - 减少, 正值 - 增加)

Far Z - 远裁剪范围, 在大地图 (例如 dz_sirocco) 上禁用雾以渲染远处时很有用建筑物

闪光减少 - 减少闪光手榴弹效果 [0-100%](0 - 全闪光,100 - 无闪光)

亮度 - 控制游戏亮度 [0.0-1.0]

天空盒 - 改变天空(盒子)

世界颜色 - 设置世界材质环境光颜色

Deagle spinner - 按住 Deagle 时播放“旋转”检查动画

屏幕效果 - 屏幕空间效果 - 无人机摄像头,带噪音的无人机摄像头,水下,Healthboost,Dangerzone

Hit 效果 - 在敌人击中时显示屏幕效果

击中标记 - 在敌人击中时显示交叉细节

Inventory Changer - 将武器皮肤、贴纸、刀具、手套、奖章等添加到您的游戏库存中

声音 - 修改某些音效的音量

鸡音量 - 鸡声音的音量


主音量 - 声音的总音量玩家发出的

爆头音量 - 爆头声音的音量(当玩家被爆头时)

武器音量 - 玩家武器射击的音量

脚步音量 - 玩家脚步声的音量

Misc - 其他功能

菜单键 [ 键 ] - 菜单切换键

菜单样式 - 菜单样式切换(经典/单窗口)

菜单颜色 - 菜单颜色主题(深色/浅色/经典)

防 AFK 踢 - 避免不活动时由服务器自动踢

自动扫射 - 鼠标移动后自动在空中扫射

兔子跳 - 按住跳跃按钮时自动模拟空格键按下/释放;增加移动速度

部落标签 - 设置自定义部落标签

动画部落标签 - 动画部落标签

快速鸭 - 消除蹲伏延迟

狙击十字准线 - 握住狙击步枪时绘制十字准线

反冲十字准线 - 十字准线遵循后坐模式

自动手枪 - 像自动步枪一样发射手枪

自动重新加载 - 如果武器有空弹夹自动重新加载

自动接受 - 自动接受竞争性比赛

雷达黑客 - 在雷达上显示敌人的位置

显示排名 - 在竞争模式下在记分板上显示玩家排名

显示金钱 - 显示敌人记分牌中的金钱

观众列表 - 显示观看你的玩家的昵称

水印 - 在屏幕左上角显示作弊名称,在右上角显示 fps 和 ping 屏幕外

敌人 - 在屏幕上画圆圈表示我们身后有敌人

修复动画 LOD - 修复本地玩家后面的玩家的瞄准机器人不准确

修复骨骼矩阵 - 正确的客户端骨骼矩阵更接近服务器一

禁用模型遮挡 - 绘制玩家模型,即使他们在厚墙后面

杀戮消息 - 在杀死敌人后打印消息以聊天

名字窃取者 - 模仿其他玩家的名字

自定义 clantag - 设置自定义 clantag

快速植物 - 按住 LMB 或 E 键时在炸弹点边界种植炸弹

快速停止 - 比正常速度更快地停止玩家

快速重新加载 - 在重新加载期间执行快速武器切换以更快地重新加载

准备左轮手枪 [ 键 ] - 保持左轮手枪竖起,可选on key

修复平板电脑信号 - 允许在地下(危险区域)使用平板电脑

打击声音 - 伤害敌人时发出的声音

阻塞数据包 - 阻塞刻度序列的长度

最大角度增量 - 每个刻度的最大视角变化

纵横比 - 允许您更改纵横比

购买清单 - 显示敌人购买的设备。

Reportbot - 自动报告服务器上的玩家作弊或其他滥用行为已

启用 - 打开/关闭主开关

Target - 报告目标 Enemies/Allies/All

Delay - 报告之间的延迟,以秒为单位

Aimbot - 报告瞄准辅助

Wallhack - 报告视觉辅助

其他- 报告其他帮助

悲伤 - 报告悲伤

滥用通信 - 报告滥用通信

取消挂钩 - 卸载作弊

Config - 基于 JSON 的配置系统

Create config - 创建新配置文件

Reset config - 恢复默认配置设置(不触及已保存的配置)

Load selected - 加载所选配置文件

Save selected - 保存所选配置文件

Delete selected - 删除所选配置文件

Reload configs - 重新加载配置列表





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发表于 2022-9-15 14:09:48 | 显示全部楼层

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